When Sexual Shame Comes Knocking on Your Bedroom Door

Sexuality is complicated. It develops over a lifespan and is influenced by many factors: parents, friends, teachers, school, church, healthcare, media, morality, and American culture. All of these influences either gave you an…
  Explicit message (“Don’t have sex before marriage” or “Masturbation is a normal biological urge”) Implicit message (You pick up an unspoken rule […]

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The Power of Pause

How good are you at taking time to just slow down, relax, and not do a thing? What kind of feelings does Or, do you feel the need to be busy doing something? “Though the sacred art of pausing, we develop the capacity to stop hiding, to stop running away from our own experience. We

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Feeling What You Feel

You asked about what to do with feelings *after* awareness.   First I’d like to clarify the obvious– that feeling something (a sensation in your body) and acting on a feeling (reactivity) are separate things. So the goal, in the beginning, is to increase awareness and acceptance of feelings, many people hesitate to embrace this step

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